Is it a "nightmare"? No, merely a challenge. "The nice thing about Northport," Ben Wetherbee remarked this morning when he came in for a browse and a visit, "is that you can walk anywhere in town you need to get." Older, more jaded voices ask, "How long is this going to go on?" Well, it just started on Waukazoo Street, and it seems to be moving along pretty fast, as far as I can see. We should definitely have downtown repaved and easy to navigate by the time summer visitors arrive. For now, anyone brave enough to come this week, park around the corner and WALK to Dog Ears Books is welcome to a 10% discount. Just say you read it on "Books in Northport." Post beneath this one is my literary offering for the day--two postings for the price of one.

I will even hobble in on my crutches. :)
Ah, Susan, that must be you! I was thinking about you today and hope to see you tomorrow (Thursday). Friday the bookstore will be closed, as the Dog Ears team takes aim for the second year at the Senior Spelling Bee crown. Marilyn and I came in second last year. This year it's me, Trudy Carpenter, and Susan Cordes, with Marilyn as alternate/cheerleader.
Did you see the bloodroot down the hill?
They'll have to hurry with that paving to beat us :-)
Expect us on May 18.
Of course, I suppose they will also need to hurry to beat the bicycle race that will pass through on May 24.
It will be great to have you and Marjorie in Northport again, Walt. Who knows? Waukazoo could be repaved by then!
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