I spent a rainy day visiting with friends and customers, selling books and reading to the last page of one myself. Tonight, altering a few recent photos (a nonverbal task) appealed to me, so here they are. The one above is the view west from Jelinek Road. To the left is the steep downhill slope west of St. Wenceslaus Church, and below are some colorful leaves at the edge of a wooded hill near home. That’s it. Nothing profound. It was a solidly rainy day, and now it’s a sleepy evening. Nine more days until we set the clocks back....
Everybody is just having WAY too much fun playing with photo editing software and I'm jealous. Also cranky, and really looking forward to an extra hour of sleep in nine days. And I'm not giving it back in the spring.
The fun is very much to the point for me these days, Gerry. I'm doing all I can to keep crankiness at bay. Want a break in the rain! Don't want to worry about hunters! Impatient for morning light again! Someone else made a comment about the "spring forward" deal yesterday morning at the bakery. He seemed to feel that there was no point getting the hour now and losing it again later. Remind me to evaluate this when the time comes. Right now I am obsessed with light. Obviously, an Arctic winter would not suit me, after all.
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