Yes, our rain came during the night, as forecast, but no, this was not snow floating through the evening air. Anyone care to take a guess?
It was a lovely evening, and I finally got a few seeds in the ground, along with getting laundry off the line and into the house before the weather changed. This morning the word that came to mind was JUNGLE. C’est un jungle! Or, if you prefer, C’est un jongle! (Either is correct.) Green, growing, wet, dripping, pulsing, and the birds were not at all discouraged from their usual spring morning songs and calls. Having fallen asleep last night over Bromfield’s THE RAINS CAME, I was musing this morning on the difference between the book and the 1955 film, “The Rains of Ranchipur.” Almost all I remember of the movie is the rain, pouring down in sheets, almost drowning those who tried to move about in it. In the book, the rain is mentioned, discussed, described—but then the human characters take center stage, with all their guilty secrets (they think they have secrets; actually, Ranchipur is a lot like Northport, in that nothing is a secret for very long) and schemes and cross purposes, and the reader forgets that all the time the rain is drumming and pounding, which a movie viewer cannot forget, straining to catch dialogue over the realism of weather. Interesting.

A few announcements--
Joe Borri has done it again: the Detroit writer--who came all the way to Northport last summer to read from his first published book, EIGHT DOGS NAMED JACK AND OTHER STORIES--has won the Independent Publisher Book award (Silver) for Regional Fiction Great Lakes. We had a small crowd when Borri was here at Dog Ears Books, but all the folks who didn’t make the scene will be kicking themselves for years to come, and they can’t say they weren’t told, either. Trust your local bookseller!
Tonight at the Old Art Building in Leland the Tuesday morning group of painters is having a reception for their annual weekend show. The reception is from 5-8 p.m. and will have some nice surprises, as always.
Next Friday, June 5, is NORTHPORT GRADUATION! You don’t have to have a relative in the graduating class to attend and enjoy this popular community event.
I’m expecting another shipment of Bob Underhill’s new mystery novel, CATHEAD BAY, today or Monday. Watch the blog for a review of this book, coming soon, by Bruce Balas.
Finally, tickets are available at Dog Ears Books for two exciting events coming soon. The first is a visit from Newbery winner Richard Peck at the Old Art Building in Leland on Tuesday, June 17, 7 p.m. Versatile author of 30 novels and 2001 Newbery Medal winner for A YEAR DOWN UNDER, Peck will entertain families and children 4th-grade age and up, with no limit on the number of children admitted on a family ticket.
We also have tickets for the 15th anniversary concert and gala reception for the Leelanau Children’s Choir and Youth Ensemble. This exciting event will take place on Friday, June 20, at the Northport Community Arts Center, with concert at 7 p.m. and reception following.
It’s hard to believe that the Leelanau Children’s Choir and Youth Ensemble is 15 years old already. But then, it’s hard to believe that Dog Ears Books will be 15 years old on July 4.
Looks like cottonwood to me.
Anna and I went shopping last week, a rare event. At both Target and Sam's Club the Muzak was turned off, so we entertained ourselves signing Gershwin back and forth to each other with abandon. Even better than the performances, I like how having three kids singing in the Children's Choir has infused our lives with all this good music.
Yes, cottonwood. So lovely, the slow dance of cottonwood fluff through the evening light. I imagine you and Anna performing another air ballet, your hands dancing Gershwin tunes. Will this be part of the concert?
The Gershwin was from a concert a few years ago that was entirely Gershwin and Cole Porter. Some of that music is reappearing this year, but we'll be hearing is a lot of Broadway, including pieces from Les Miserables, Rent, Ragtime, West Side Story, Jekyll and Hyde.
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