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Saturday, June 22, 2024

"How did the book signing go?"


Bookseller and author, together again, 2024


How could it be anything but fun with author Bonnie Jo Campbell? Her visit felt like a party without cake. (Why didn’t I have cake?) Lots of stories and laughter and mutual appreciation.

Yes, that is author Don Lystra with Bonnie Jo.

Bonnie visited with me and my customer-friends for almost three hours, not only signing her new novel, The Waters (and a few copies of her earlier Once Upon a River) but adding her own donkey stamp with special archival ink. When one person’s jacket design commanded attention because of its perfect connection to the rattlesnake in Bonnie’s novel, we had an impromptu photo shoot focused on the jacket. A few first-time visitors to the bookstore fell into the author’s charmed circle, also, while she was there. All in all, a lively time.

Deb's jacket, Bonnie's book

Bonnie models the jacket

Cameron from Colorado became an instant new fan of BJC.

Although my visiting author had managed to snag a parking spot directly in front of the bookstore, it was raining so hard when she left that rising waters had brought on a flood. Intrepid river woman that she is, Bonnie removed shoes and socks to wade to the driver’s side of her car. "My" authors are such good sports!

Until we meet again....


Karen Casebeer said...

So glad this was such a success!

P. J. Grath said...

No other possibility with BJC as guest.