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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Crazy Week Ahead–

Open today (Tuesday), despite appearances

Not to say that last week wasn’t crazy, too. For one thing, I made a large purchase of books, only three carloads of which have found their way to Waukazoo Street as yet (due to everything else going on in June and July), which meant I was nearly buried in boxes of books, and boxes surround me yet today. There is an entire new subject area, American Lakes and Rivers. And the Civil War, American presidents, and nature & country living sections have all been rearranged with “new” (some very old) titles.


Sorry if you missed her, but I do have signed copies available.

Saturday, of course—as you know if you regularly read Books in Northport—was guest author Bonnie Jo Campbell’s signing of her most recent novel, The Waters. She also signed a few copies of Once Upon a River, chatted with customers, and braved the rain after three hours to return to Kalamazoo. We had a great time, and you can see more pictures here


Later that evening my former Arizona hiking partner, a neighbor in the ghost town where the Artist and I spent several happy winters, arrived with her dog, and the four of us (2 women, 2 dogs) spent that evening and all day Sunday and then Monday morning pursuing fun. Fun in the yard, fun in the woods, fun on the beach! There’s no fun like dog fun!

So last week, what with moving books and getting ready for Bonnie in the shop and Therese at home, I was too tired at night for ambitious reading and went to bed four or five nights straight with Shaun Bythell’s Confessions of a Bookseller, a re-reading experience obviously tailored to my preoccupations. Then for two nights, after Therese and I and the dogs (after my exciting afternoon at the bookstore) were caught in a downpour on Saturday evening and came home drenched, and the following day, first at Houdek Dunes and then Good Harbor, hiked a total of six (6) miles with our dogs, I read the first sentence of a Prix Goncourt novel over and over again before turning out the light in defeat, too drowsy to retain that sentence’s sense and proceed normally to the next. Last night and this morning I finally did better with a book my neighbor loaned me, an adventure set in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula….


Today (Tuesday) I’m back in the shop on Waukazoo Street, open despite the forbidding appearance of scaffolding in front of the door. Painters are doing some repair to the façade, as well as painting, but there is access to Dog Ears Books through Red Mullein, my neighbor just to the south in the same building. And if you haven’t checked out Red Mullein yet, you should do that, too. It’s like nothing else in northern Michigan, I promise. 


This week, though! Ah, complicated: 


      Wednesday: I have a late morning appointment so won’t be in until noon at the earliest.


      Thursday: CLOSED for personal reasons.


      Friday & Saturday: Normal hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.


My next post will introduce July book news, of which there is plenty, much of it thanks to Friends of the Leelanau Township Library. Preview hint: their annual book sale is Saturday, July 6, but there's more in July, so stay tuned. 

Meanwhile, I have many projects of my own, at work and at home.

Sunny Juliet is my sidewalk supervisor on this project.



Karen Casebeer said...

Whew! You are one busy lady. Ahhh, summer. Cramming everything in all at once.

P. J. Grath said...

Mowed grass and staked tomatoes last night. Trimmed SJ's paws and nails this morning. Laundry will go out on the line soon. Now is the time to do everything--while it needs doing and I can do it.

BB-Idaho said...

Who cannot revel in a Dog Reunion? After the impressive book rack photos, I'm wondering (roughly) how many there are in the shop? It sure sounds like a
great combination of fun and work.

P. J. Grath said...

I'm better with words than numbers, but I ballparks the inventory at roughly 12,000 not long ago. That was probably a low estimate, even with a bit of empty shelf space (rapidly being filled).

P. J. Grath said...


BB-Idaho said...

I was wondering if book stores and libraries were allies or foes. In your area it sounds like allies serving the reading puplic? Here in 'progressive" Idaho the legislature rules libraries as foes -
If a kid finds something harmful*, his parents may be paid $250 by the
library. As I recall, getting an award for turning in during the middle ages led to lots of witches being found. But this is 2024!
*the designation is murky and many are wondering about kids and the internet.
Anyhoo, happy 4th of July!

P. J. Grath said...

What is going on with Idaho? Competing with Florida, or what? Very sad!

I have always been on great terms with the librarians in my county and beyond. We see each other as colleagues -- book people, doncha know? I enjoy working with the librarians and the FOL (Friends of Library) groups.