Home, sweet barn! I got used to isolation.... |
If you know me or if you’ve been reading this blog for the last few weeks and months, you’ll know I was very nervous about re-opening my bookstore, and I was not alone in that, either: a dear friend retired from the bookstore business was worried about me, too. So preparation, planning, and precautions were in order – as they are these days for all of us, whatever we’re doing.
And so far it's been going very well!
I have been pleased with and grateful to people who have visited Dog Ears Books during our first week back in business. Not one single person has complained about the mask requirement! In fact, not one person has even stuck an unmasked face through the doorway! Yesterday a couple paused at the door to ask if there was room for them in the shop, and, since they were #5 and #6, I invited them on in, whereupon another man said he would pay for his book and leave to make room for someone else. Consideration for others, wonderfully, is the order of the day in my bookstore.
I sold my last copy of Kathleen Stocking’s From the Place of the Gathering Light: Leelanau Pieces, and who knows when that book may be reprinted? Not this summer, I’m sure. Another woman was looking for something positive and encouraging and was happy to purchase Emita Hill’s Northern Harvest: Twenty Women in Food and Farming. Those oral histories are certainly encouraging stories. Other readers are grappling with difficult issues in American history – or turning to fiction for a pleasant, if temporary escape.
There are many different kinds of books and an almost infinite number of individual titles desirable and/or pertinent and/or enlightening during this strange and unsettling, very unsettled summer of 2020, a time of pandemic and a time of national reassessment. I’m glad to be here, with books available (and new orders going out and new books coming in every week), and I hope the consideration and safety of our first week continues through the rest of the summer. Thanks, everyone!
Yes, I have missed bookstores!! I look forward to seeing you soon! My Moscow gentleman and I are getting delightfully acquainted!! Thanks again, Pamela! 📚🐾🌈
So glad you and the gentleman are having a good time, Ms. Davis. It warms my heart to learn how much bookstores mean to readers!
Howdy Pamela. I enjoyed reading the last two posts that you've published here on your site. I also see that, in keeping with being a bookstore owner, you are a voracious reader! I hope you and David are doing well in these uncertain times; I wish you guys all the best this summer in humble, old Northport. Un abrazo desde Las Palmas de Gran Canaria -Pohai
I miss browsing in my library. I miss bookstores too,though yours is the only one I've visited in years.
Hugs back atcha, Pohai! We are doing okay here, one day at a time, which is all anyone can ever do, anyway, right? Dawn, our township library in Northport re-opened this week, at last. Bookstore AND library! And you are certainly welcome here, as I hope you know, any time.
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