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Friday, April 1, 2022

All Blessings Are Mixed

Sunny Juliet had me at my wits’ end the other day. She can be so naughty! She wants to bite and chew my shoes -- while I am wearing them! -- ditto my blue jeans, ditto table legs and books, if I relax my surveillance for two minutes, and she is a very naughty barker. I’m working hard on the “no barking” business, but it breaks my heart when she barks at some little girl or boy who only wants to be friends with such a cute puppy. And because of what David and I went through with Peasy, I can’t help worrying: Is SJ showing signs of serious temperament problems? 

All moms worry, and dog moms are no exception to the rule. I was cheered and consoled, however, when a friend e-mailed me about what an “asshole” (excuse the term; it’s the one she used) their dog was in his first three years of life (Three years? Lord, preserve me!) When young, he did all the naughty things SJ is doing now. I also looked up “naughty puppy” sites and found that regret is not an uncommon response to the trials of puppy parenthood. 

Of course, in my case, the feelings of being overwhelmed and challenged beyond my limits are exacerbated (exacerbated: one of the Artist’s favorite words) by having lost my beloved life partner, whose generosity and concern for me had helped bring the puppy into my life in the first place. Complicated! What would David think now, if he were here with me and Sunny? Our Sarah was so unbelievably easy that raising and training her did not prepare me for the realities of another, more typical puppy at all!

But no, I do not regret this puppy. Just knowing that Sunny’s “naughtiness” is normal puppy behavior gives me the patience to deal with it lovingly, and we are going to make it, this little pack of two. I don’t know what the road ahead has in store for us, but we will be traveling it together. And please, do not tell me to “take one day at a time”! There is no other way to take life, and don’t think I don’t know it!

Sunny Juliet is a sweet companion and a huge responsibility. She often makes me laugh and sometimes drives me crazy. She eases my loneliness and curtails my freedom.

Everything is a double-edged sword has always been my philosophy of life in a nutshell, which is about all the philosophy people usually want to hear. It’s right there in the words of the marriage ceremony, isn’t it? “For better or for worse.” Or, as Billy Joel put it, “I took the good times, I’ll take the bad times.” Please note that I often had "clever conversation" with the Artist, but we could be just as happy holding hands or looking out the windshield together and saying nothing at all. We didn't have to audition for each other. 

The blessings of life and love carry with them the inevitability of loss and death, and so I thank my lucky stars for my wonderful life and cry over Billy Joel songs while Sunny takes a little nap.


Dawn said...

Puppies are hard. But not forever. The death of someone so close to you, so loved is also hard, and will always be hard. But puppies help with that hard part. You're right. It's all related. Sending more hugs.

Karen Casebeer said...

It sounds like Sunny Juliet has entered puppy adolescence! It too will pass. As for the chewing, I've found rawhide retriever rolls a great antidote to unwanted
puppy chewing. She's probably cutting new teeth. I use an all-natural brand by Pet Factory. Not sure what your pet store situation is near you, but they worked for Gracie, and still do. Thinking of you at this difficult time and all the challenges you are facing.