Serendipity. That’s one of my pet
names for Sarah, along with Sarasota, Serafina, and Triceratops. I remember
first learning the word ‘serendipity’ as a young adolescent and being utterly
charmed by the idea, the word itself something delightful I’d come upon by
accident. Since we found our Sarah at the Cherryland Humane Society, much to our good fortune,
the name she already had then, Sarah, has come to mean much more to us over the
years, layered over with new meanings as our time together accumulates.

hunch is that serendipity, like so many other abilities, can always be improved
with practice and that practicing to improve serendipity involves nothing more
than keeping one’s eyes and ears and attention open to the world and perhaps
venturing down a different path from time to time. Here I think of what my friend said about people “taking orders” from GPS and failing to see the big
picture or realize how many choices are available to readers of maps.
it must help, to be serendipitous, never to think of any situation or place or
event that you’ve “been there and done that,” because it might be different
this time around. Aren’t you an older and wiser person? Maybe more relaxed – or
more confident – or more adventurous? And even if you think you haven’t changed
a bit, circumstances themselves are never exactly the same from one occasion to
the next, are they?
As I typed the first draft of these
sentences, a woman had come into my bookstore and was taking her time browsing
the aisles. I was delighted! How often, it seems, people don’t take time to
browse. They may buy a book they already wanted, but the rest of my treasures
lie undiscovered, not buried at all but right out in plain sight, and this is
true not only of the used books but even the new ones.
are a few treasures awaiting the adventurous and serendipitous browser at Dog
Ears Books this first week of December 2014. I would write more, but I need to
open one of these books....
You, my friend, are serendipity exemplified, first definition!
You are too kind~
I was drawn in to your post by the picture of Sarah and your mention of the pet names you've given her. Gracie is Buddha Baby. But as I read on, I loved your discussion of serendipity, and how it can be improved with mindfulness. May you have many serendipitous visitors this season.
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