Never do I recall reading a mystery with as many hairpin turns and switchbacks as L’AIGUILLE CREUSE, by Maurice Leblanc! Who is who? What do the mysterious clues mean? Then to arrive at the last page and have the feeling of still hanging over a cliff--? Exciting but exhausting. I haven’t the strength left to write more. Would love to see the movie, though.
Nearer home, life is more tranquil:
Watching the seasons unfold day by day, in their rich complexity, I've decided that life in general is an amazing mystery. I'd like to make the movie. It would be full of harvest scenes and cloud shadows.
Yes, well, now I'm re-reading SAND COUNTY ALMANAC. It's been so long, it's like a new book to me--and quite wonderful. On the subject of movies, though, did you ever see 'Microcosmos,' filmed on location in southern France? Insects, close up, Jean-Henri Fabre's world. Epatant!
I never did, but now I must. Right after reading The Art of Racing in the Rain.
I have a feeling I may have to subscribe to Netflix after all.
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