days. They can be good days from morning ‘til night, somewhat uncomfortable (we
don’t often say “hot” in northern Michigan), or bring crop-damaging
storms. “What’s it like here in the winter?” visitors ask. Well, what’s it like
now, in the summer? It varies – enormously!
you tell yourself you’ll do such-and-such when you “have more time”? You never
will. Each day that slips away is forever gone. That why those of us who work
all summer don’t want to waste a moment of precious days off.
worked in the bookshop for me on Wednesday, giving me a chance to drive down
past the Glen Lake Narrows to pick up books from Leelanau Press. The dunes were
lovely, the water sparkling. It could have been a good beach day. Instead, my patient
canine companion and I went home to her once-a-month bath, after which we
lolled around outdoors in the shade, enjoying the breeze. Well, she lolled. I
hung laundry on the line, clothes and towels that dried so fast in the hot wind
that I was able to run through the routine more than once.
* *
I want to backtrack for a minute to the “different roads” theme of the other
day, with a few more images of Leelanau's summer variety, today showing you small, hidden-away waters, because sometimes I think I love these as much if not more than the magnificent lakes. They are modest secrets, but you can find them if you look.
remembered seeing it once before, and I can even conjure up the immediate
surroundings but cannot put that mental picture on a larger map. The name of
the plant eluded me until the end of the day, when suddenly I exclaimed,
“Deptford pink! That’s what it was!” Much to David’s bemusement. Another
* *
change of topic – Thursday’s guest author:
Fordon was charming, relaxed, and personable. We were a small group but
entirely caught up in her reading, though I had already read and so knew what
was going to happen at the end of that first surprising story. It is always a
pleasure to meet an author whose writing I have admired, and I was very
grateful to the weather gods for backing that heat off and giving us more
comfortable temperatures for a bookstore event.
signed a few extra copies of Garden For the Blind, and Karen Trolenberg
stopped by near the end of the day with a couple more copies of Flight of
which she kindly signed.
light is heart-breakingly lovely. July is generous in giving us long days, each unique and never to come again. I hope all of you are able to make the
most of your July 2016, wherever you are.
Kelly Fordon's story, "Garden for the Blind" in her book by the same name is surprising, powerful, not-to-be-missed reading. When you get off the beach, you may want some food for thought. This is it.
Deb Whitney
Thanks, Deb. I'm glad you could be with us to meet her. And I agree with you about her book. Her stories made me think.
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